I can't wait for spring. And summer. And to get some color. All so that I can look even better in the pretty dresses, haha.
I wonder if any of you know about the site 43 Things? It's like this online to-do list, where you can list a bunch of goals and keep track of them that way. I've been using it for more than 2 years now. It's funny to see what you've accomplished during two years and what you have been striving for through time (:
You guys should try it out!
I hope to get a day off from work tomorrow, so I can go get it removed by my piercer. I think it will be smart to replace it (or both) with skin divers. I've never tried them before, but dermals doesn't seem to work on me so I might as well give skin divers a shot (: I'll discuss it with my piercer.
I love this fuzzy feeling♥ ♥
awww : (
SvarSletjeg måtte også sige farvel til både labret og navlepiercing i januar!
damn jeg savner dem :'(
håber de kan reddes!